
TAU Presents: Monthly Travel Bloggers Interview Ep.2

TAU Presents: Monthly Travel Bloggers Interview Ep.2

Welcome to the second episode of “TAU Presents: Monthly Travel Bloggers Interview”!

Recently, I came up with the idea to feature 3 different Travel Bloggers every month on the TAU blog. I thought it would be fun to meet different members of the travel community and learn more about them and their blogs.

Each person will have to answer 10 questions about their blogging journey and travel experiences. 

Here are our three Travel Bloggers for this month’s episode of “TAU Presents: Monthly Travel Bloggers Interview”: Michaela from Shipping Across the Globe, Kathy from Tasty Itinerary & Monika from Internationelle.

Shipping Across the Globe

1. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? 

Hi! My name is Michaela. I am from the United States – originally from a small town in Vermont but currently live in upstate New York. During the day I work as a Design Consultant for a tile store, so I help clients design their bathrooms and kitchens. When I am not working or traveling, you can find me going for long runs, sipping on craft beer, or daydreaming of my next travel adventures.

2. Can you tell us a little bit about your blogging journey? 

I am pretty new to the blogging game. I launched my blog at the beginning of this year but have been working behind the scenes on it for about six months. It took a national shutdown and global pandemic to make me realize travel blogging was the dream I was chasing for so long. Pretty crazy right?

My blog, Shipping Across The Globe, is based on both short-term and bucket list travel. Many bloggers out there work remotely or have made blogging into their full-time careers. As much as this sounds like a dream, it’s not feasible for everyone, myself included. My goal is to show others if they prioritize a life of travel they can make it happen despite their crazy schedules, travel anxieties, and limited vacation days. My goal is to help others achieve their bucket list goals and make their future adventures more fulfilling and less stressful!

3. What is your number one blogging tip you can give new travel bloggers?

I received this advice from another blogger, and it really resonated with me.  

“Just start!”

I’ve learned quickly that blogging is not a field to get into if you are looking for instant gratification. It takes a lot of time and effort to grow.  But if you never start, you won’t be able to learn as you go!

Also, I highly recommend building a strong community of other like-minded travelers. These are the people you can bounce ideas off, learn from, and continually support. I truly believe the travel community I built on social media is filled with some of the kindest, most positive people. They truly build me up and I am so grateful for them! I even talk to some of them daily and can’t wait to finally meet them in person!

shipping across the globe, travel blog, interview

4. What is your number one travel tip? 

Be opened minded and flexible. I think being open-minded to other cultures and the way of life in other countries is super important. Not only to be open-minded to understanding and learning about another culture but also to be respectful of it despite your own views. Sometimes taking a step outside of your everyday thoughts and beliefs will teach you some beautiful things. You can learn a lot about a new way of living if you just open your mind to it.

Being flexible to change is so so SO important with travel (I’ve definitely had to learn this the hard way). I think most of us know, some things just don’t go as planned. It’s important to roll with the punches and keep on moving.  Don’t let a late tour guide or canceled flight put a damper on the whole rest of your trip. 

5. What is your favorite destination so far and why? 

Honestly, this is the most difficult question to answer! I feel like every place I go becomes a part of me in some way. Each new destination teaches me an important lesson, and I am so grateful for that. 

Thailand taught me to embrace the uncomfortable. Peru taught me that conquering your fears will give you a new sense of self. Egypt taught me how extraordinary our history is. Iceland taught me that sometimes the unplanned parts of a trip can turn out to be the most extraordinary.

How can I choose just one when each one teaches me such an important life lesson?

6. What place is on the top of your Bucketlist and why? 

My bucket list is constantly growing and changing. Currently, though, I can’t stop dreaming about Bali. It’s been on my radar for a while now and was one of the trips I had to cancel due to COVID. I would love to experience the island of Bali and everything it has to offer. The beaches, the temples, the rainforests! I can’t wait to go – hoping to turn this one into a reality by the end of this year!  

7. What are three unique items you cannot travel without?

  1. A Journal – I’ve actually kept a journal that I try to write in daily on every trip I’ve ever taken abroad. It’s a good way to reflect back and remember how I was feeling and the incredible experiences I had and the people I met.  
  2. Relax Melodies App – It is extremely difficult for me to sleep without being in a bed, in the complete darkness and silence. However, we all know on long-term flights, it’s important to get some shut-eye. My relaxing melodies app allows me to listen to the sound of rain or something soothing to help me get some sleep on that uncomfortable plane ride.
  3. Portable Charger – I can’t tell you just how useful a portable charger has been for me in my travels. I remember when I didn’t have one, I didn’t have access to my phone, camera, or itinerary. Not having a camera charger while traveling gave me such anxiety. I want to be able to capture every memory! 

8. What is your favorite food that you have tried on your travels?

That’s a tough one! I’ve been to a lot of foodie destinations and loved a lot of dishes I’ve tried. I would have to say my two favorites were cashew chicken in Thailand and Fettuccini Carbonara in Montreal.

I don’t think Montreal, Canada is known for their pasta, but holy cow I think about this bowl of pasta literally years later. With that being said, if you’re ever in Montreal, eat at Weinstein and Gavino’s. It was extraordinary!

shipping across the globe, travel blog, interview

9. What is the best souvenir you have ever brought back?

After many trips, I learned the hard way that finding small and useful souvenirs is the way to go. No more hauling trinkets that get lost or things that fill up my suitcase quickly. I decided early on that I would start buying a postcard from every place I’ve been. They’re super easy to take home and each one has unique artwork that reminds me of that country. My hope is to one day create a wall filled with postcards from all my travels.

10. Do you have any product, course, podcast you want to tell us about?

No products or course yet! Just focusing on my blog and social media sites where you can follow my latest content and blog posts. I am always looking to build my support group, and love to talk about all things travel, so feel free to reach out! I would love to meet you!

Also, check out my blog Shipping Across The Globe. I would love your support and feedback on my blog posts. I write a lot of travel guides, itineraries and share all my best travel tips, so check it out and let me know what you think!

Tasty Itinerary

1. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

 Hi, I’m Kathy Ava. I’m a blogger, a dog mom, and a wife living in Los Angeles, California for the past 14 years.

 A few tidbits: I love to eat. I hate working out. Lattes give me life. Gift me a chocolate chip cookie or cupcake any day and you’re instantly my best friend.


2. Can you tell us a little bit about your blogging journey?

 Tasty Itinerary is a travel blog full of vacation and foodie tips.

My biggest goal is to inspire people to take that vacation time because life is too short. To step out of their comfort zone to visit that local French Bistro they keep passing by on their way to work. To stop saying, one day, because that day may never come.

I travel with my hubby and mostly it’s during our time off. When I come back, I share our adventures on my blog and social media with the idea that I can inspire and help others plan their next vacation.

I do travel to eat. A tasty itinerary is super important to me. Yes, I travel for the destination first, but the food is a big part of the culture and what brings people together. I find myself eating my way through most of these destinations. The experience surrounding food is sometimes what I remember the most and the wonderful people I meet along the way.

A bit of history 

When I first started Tasty Itinerary 4 years ago, it was part of my self-care routine. I had the idea years before that, but I was too distracted by other things in life that I kept putting it aside. One day I just woke up and decided to put myself first.

I needed to do something for myself that revolved around helping others that also brought me joy –  planning and going on great vacations. I could talk to anyone about travel for hours, and family and friends are always calling me for travel planning tips. A blog seemed like the next creative step for me.

The blog probably isn’t where it should be after all these years, but it’s my baby and I just keep chugging along. In the meantime, I keep tapping into my creative side which has always been a part of me. I continue to learn everything I can about the blogging world. It’s been a journey.


3. What is your number one blogging tip you can give new travel bloggers?

 Don’t worry about what other bloggers are doing and how far they’ve gotten. You do you. Stay true to yourself.

Tasty Itinerary, travel blog, foodie

4. What is your number one travel tip?

 Just go. Don’t wait to travel. Don’t overthink. You only have one life and it’s not meant to be stuck in the office. Book that flight and go.


5. What is your favorite destination so far and why?

 Without a doubt, Italy.

I feel at home there. The delicious food at every corner, the beautiful landscapes, ruins and architecture, the people, the history… I could go on and on. It’s just a fabulous country and I still have a lot more of the country to explore. The plan is to live there part-time in the future, once we are done here in Los Angeles.

Sadly, I don’t get to return to Italy every chance I get because there are so many places in the world I want to explore. But the moment I step foot in the country of Italy, I feel like I belong there.

I’m also obsessed with beautiful beaches. Bonaire stole my heart when I was last there. I can’t wait to return.


6. What place is on the top of your Bucketlist and why? 

 I’d love to experience an African safari to see all the animals living in their natural habitat.


Tasty Itinerary, travel blog, foodie

7. What are three unique items you cannot travel without?

 Unique? Not sure if there is anything I travel with that is considered “unique”.

 Here are a few things I can’t travel without: 

  1. I cannot travel without my phone. One, because I need to be able to contact the dog sitter. Two, it has a camera.
  2. Water & snacks
  3. Moisturizer


8. What is your favorite food that you have tried on your travels?

 Ooo, food! My favorite topic.

 There are two that I always think about:

  • The official pastry of Girona, Spain a Xuixo.
    This is a flaky pastry that is fried, stuffed with Catalan cream (a custard), and then rolled in cinnamon sugar. I dream of this pastry. It sounds like a donut, but believe me, it’s not. It’s better.

  • Buttered chicken from Trattoria Sostanza in Florence, Italy.
    It melts in your mouth. It is so so good! Every time I’m in Florence, I have to have it.


9. What is the best souvenir you have ever brought back?

 I always bring back food and wine.

 Not only do I get to have a taste of some of the local eats after I’m home from vacation, but I also get to sometimes share them with family and friends


10. Do you have any product, course, podcast you want to tell us about?

I started a virtual assistant business not long ago: Kathy’s On It. I focus on helping bloggers and creatives reach their goals. Supporting others behind the scenes comes naturally to me. I want to see and assist other bloggers on their road to success.

Tasty Itinerary, travel blog, foodie


1. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I am originally from the Pacific Northwest but have been living overseas on and off since about 2006, starting with Morocco before moving on to Latvia, where I worked as a journalist for years, while still making time to travel to every country in Europe (all on a $500/month salary. It can be done!)

2. Can you tell us a little bit about your blogging journey?

I have been a travel writer/blogger for about 6 years now! Internationelle was founded as a community effort with my friend Meg, and we’ve had various contributors over the years—it was never just about us and our experiences. We also focus on human trafficking, and how that intersects with the travel industry, generally bringing awareness and empowering others to help the cause. When getting started, it’s easy to go one of two ways: either you try to imitate other content that you love, or you try to do the opposite of content that you dislike. In the beginning, we did a bit of both before coming to a nice blend of travelogues, information pieces, deeper dives, along with food and nomad lifestyle themes. We’ve also been working with some great smaller brands (Bluebird Chic camera straps, Jet Candy jet lag remedy, and 8fit), and I highly recommend it, as long as you stay relevant and true to your voice/niche.

3. What is your number one blogging tip you can give new travel bloggers?

My number one tip for travel blogging is to really get to know your niche/the vibe you’re going for. This comes with also knowing/finding your audience, and really love what it is you’re writing about. If you’re really into food or sustainable tourism but feel like you have to write bulleted lists of “8 hours in London”, you may find yourself not having a great time in the writing journey. Mix it up! Don’t ever be afraid to reach out to people for interviews, or even to small brands that you believe in. You might end up with some great partnerships. (That was more than one, but there are so many important things!)

Internationelle, travel blog, interview

4. What is your number one travel tip?

My number one travel tip is to hydrate. I can’t stress this enough. Flights, walking, jet lag…everything contributes to dehydration which can leave you feeling awful when you most want to be feeling good! Bring along a refillable bottle, and fill it up each morning if you can. One of my embarrassing travel newbie stories involves me and an ENTIRE suitcase filled with bottled water I brought with me from the US. For some reason, I didn’t think the rest of the world had water? I’ve come a long way since then. Also, always keep a journal/notebook. You’d be surprised how much you forget the minute you leave a place.

5. What is your favorite destination so far and why?

My top three faves are Latvia, Iceland, and Mongolia, really for the same reasons—sparsely populated and people usually leave you alone+great nature! The Trans-Siberian is also an adventure that should be on everyone’s list. Mongolia is such a gem in that it’s exactly what you picture it! If you’re comfortable living with a strange family surrounded by goats for a while, definitely check out some great extended homestay options outside UlaanBaatar.

6. What place is on the top of your Bucketlist and why? 

The top of my bucket list has been Antarctica for sooo long! Hoping to make that happen once it’s safe to do so. It’s always held such a mystique for me, a sort of uncharted mythical territory. Greenland is also on the top of the list for similar reasons.

Internationelle, travel blog, interview

7. What are three unique items you cannot travel without?

Topping my must-have list is a pashmina scarf/shawl. I’m telling you, it’s essential and can be so many things: a towel, pillow, dress,
head covering, makeshift umbrella, curtain at a hostel, beach blanket.

8. What is your favorite food that you have tried on your travels?

If you love pork, Latvia is the place to be (karbonāde with chanterelle sauce is bliss). Istanbul has some amazing, super fresh fish sandwiches (caught literally a minute prior), Beijing had an incredible sweet-and-sour potato dish that I don’t know why we don’t see it in America, and Japan, of course, had the best sushi in the world.

9. What is the best souvenir you have ever brought back?

It’s so hard to choose because it changes. These days, I love to collect sea glass from beaches I visit, but a standard favorite souvenir I also try to bring home is spices/cooking ingredients if I can, to replicate dishes for friends and family. One of the best things I got in Mongolia was a bunch of incredible cashmere wool that I later spun and my mom wove into a scarf, which was lovely. The souvenir that keeps on giving!

10. Do you have any product, course, podcast you want to tell us about?

We hope to have a travel writing course going soon, to encourage everyone to either refine their process and go further, or to help those just getting started. I have a background in journalism and some of the writing out there drives me bonkers! But in the meantime, feel free to peruse our content and learn some delightful things about the Brits and toast, where to pitch travel writing, and Estonian ice roads. You can also keep track of our adventures on Instagram @theinternationelle and Twitter @Intl_elle.

Internationelle, travel blog, interview

Those were our 3 participants for this month’s episode of “TAU Presents: Monthly Travel Bloggers Interview”. Make sure you check out their blogs and follow them on their social media!!

If you want to read the previous episode of “TAU Presents: Monthly Travel Bloggers Interview” click here.

TAU Presents: Monthly Travel Bloggers Interview

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